Friday, March 27, 2020

Here is President Mnangagwa’s 21-day Lockdown COVID19 SONA address: Video

Here is President Mnangagwa’s 21-day Lockdown COVID19 SONA address: Video.  Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa has announced a mandatory 21-day national lockdown in a bid to slow the outbreak of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. Zimbabwe has recorded 5 confirmed cases of the disease which also claimed the life of popular broadcaster Zororo Makamba who died on Monday.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa announced that he will be deploying the security forces to enforce the 21-day the national lockdown on Friday night.  The national lockdown will start from Monday 30 March 2020.


Below are some of the highlights from the President’s address about the 21-day national lockdown:

  •  Only food markets to remain open, others to close
  •  All public transport, except Zupco, is suspended. Social distancing is recommended in Zupco
  • Motorists seeking to refuel will not be allowed to leave their vehicle
  • Informal markets to be closed
  • Formal shops to open for 4 hours daily
  • Exemptions for sanitary wear, bottled water, bread, sugar, maize meal, pharmaceutical businesses
  •  Millers have been DIRECTED by Command Centre to IMMEDIATELY STOP supplying maize-meal in CBD FORTHWITH. All deliveries to be made to RESIDENTIAL areas only.
  • Mass transport operations suspended, except for employees in essential services
  • Employers and staff to negotiate salary cuts for the duration of the lockdown
  •  National command element of security deployed to complement civilian efforts
  •  Funerals exempted but numbers should be less than 50
  •  Only food stalls will be allowed to operate, none food stalls will be closed
  •  Ministry  Of Health and Child Care will work with the Ministry of Information during this period to update the nation
  • A toll-free hotline, 2019, has been set up
  • Govt is decentralising COVID19 testing services
  •  The government will come down heavily on those unscrupulous businesses who seek to profiteer out of the situation.
  •  Legal instruments being put in place to deal with and punish those who cause alarm and despondency on social media
  •  Business encouraged to support employees
  •  Act responsibly and take hygiene seriously

However, the President did not address the issue of suspending rentals for businesses and residential properties as had been alluded to in a leaked document. Below is the video of the President’s address from Permanent Secretary of Information Nick Mangwana.

Source – iHarare

In other news -Thigh vendor explains how she works, reveal rates for short and long time: Video

Thigh vendor explains how she works, reveal rates for a short and long time: Video. With the way our economy is dwindling, the situation has left so many people resorting to a different profession that often leads astray. To our fellow brothers, they end up being robbers, thugs and abusing drugs while our sisters resort to the world’s longest profession that is prostituting.

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