SACP general secretary Blade Nzimande on Friday night urged the ANC-led Tripartite Alliance to stop using important gatherings as battlegrounds for factions.
“The SACP calls upon the ANC and the whole of the Alliance to stop using important gatherings, like conferences and congresses, as battlegrounds for factions. Neither should we begin to attach names and surnames to the resolutions of our movement as if they were adopted to target certain individuals,” Nzimande said.
He made the statement when he was delivering the SACP’s message of support at the virtual 109th anniversary of the ANC.
“As the SACP, we are ready to make our modest contribution towards the unity of the ANC and the motive forces of our shared strategy — the national democratic revolution,” Nzimande said.
He also said the greatest enemy to the ANC movement was not from outside but from inside.
“Internal divisions and factional conduct anchored in capitalist relations and associated competition for access to and control of organisational and state power and resources constitute the biggest threat to our national democratic revolution and movement.”
Nzimande said the National Democratic Revolution depended on the weapon of unity to succeed.
Therefore, the SACP takes this opportunity to emphasise the importance of organisational renewal and unity of the ANC. That must include the unity and reconfiguration of the ANC-headed Alliance to function optimally.”
He also said the Tripartite Alliance remained strategically important. We expect the ANC to lead in protecting and nurturing this Alliance,” Nzimande said.
He said the urgent task they faced was to overcome the surging spread of Covid-19 and the loss of life that occurs due to the deadly virus.
“As a people, we need to unleash our entire capacity to bring Covid-19 under control and stop any further loss of life. Therefore, the SACP reiterates its support for the Covid-19 preventative measures announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa on 28 December 2020.
He called upon every person, family, and community in South Africa to adhere to the Covid-19 preventative regulations.
Nzimande also thanked all frontline workers for their commitment including putting their lives on the line to save lives.
He said the SACP called on the ANC to lead the Alliance to unite the people in the fight against Covid-19 and lead for the equitable provision of vaccines.
“There must be no space for corruption or state capture in the sourcing of Covid-19 vaccines. We must all intensify the struggle for vaccine provision not to be maximization of profit but a common public good.
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Source: IOL
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