Friday, May 1, 2020

SA Lockdown: This is the saddest Workers Day in history

Today is the saddest global May Day in history. For the first time in 130 years, there will be no rallies and marches to celebrate what began as a campaign for an eight-hour working day. Not only has that goal still not been achieved in many regions, but workers and their unions, still reeling from job losses even before the Covid-19 pandemic struck, face an even bleaker future. With airlines, major retail outlets, restaurants and other businesses in dire straits, many more jobs have been lost and even more are threatened.

Latest estimates, given the damage already done to the South African economy, are that up to 1 million more workers may be unemployed before year-end. Treasury has sketched a bleak worst-case scenario in which the coronavirus sees South Africa losing a total of some 7 million jobs, bringing unemployment levels to over 50% But May Day, although regarded as a celebration, is also a time of recommitment to the fight for a better future.

It is against this background that the first worldwide virtual May Day celebration will be staged. By nine o’clock this morning, many South African trade unionists were ready to tune in via the internet. In New York, the 12-hour celebration was scheduled to start at three in the morning while workers in New Zealand will tune in from seven at night.

Workers Day


Supporting this ambitious programme is the web-based labour movement campaign body, Labour Start, along with the International Trade Union Confederation and seven of the major international trade union federations, to which many local unions are affiliated. These include, Education International, Public Services International and the International Federation of Journalists.

For many workers in different countries and time zones today will be the first May Day spent at home under lockdown regulations. It also comes at a time of great and increasing uncertainty about what the future holds.

However, perhaps ironically, this virtual celebration gives a resounding meaning to that 1848 call by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels: Workers of all countries, unite. Because workers and unions on every continent will be able to contribute to a programme featuring the inevitable speeches, along with stories and songs of the labour movement.

It is a first for the labour movement at this level although the means to establish such connection and unity has existed for years. But there has been a great deal of suspicion about the rapid advance of digital technologies. Along with communication, these include automation, robotics and artificial intelligence, all widely seen, with justification, as major threats to jobs.

Division and fragmentation

Speedy, cheap and almost instant communication has also seen the growth, now speeded up in the wake of the pandemic, of online labour. With increasing numbers of workers operating from home, workforces are effectively fragmented. This fear is summed up in the slogan: United we negotiate, divided, we beg.

However, this working from home trend, speeded up by the pandemic, cannot be stopped, primarily because it makes sense from a business point of view. The cost of office space and equipment is greatly reduced, work flows can still be monitored and, on the basis of available evidence, workers are often more productive.

This is accepted by unionists who raise a counter-argument: that with proper use, the latest technologies can become a major weapon in the worker and union arsenal. This argument should begin to gain greater traction following the virtual May Day, as workers realise how — with open access — modern communication technology can become an organising tool at the local, national and global levels.

In other news – Sbahle Mpisane takes us back to when she graduated from University: Pictures

The moment Sbahle Mpisane shared these throwback pictures of herself on Instagram of when she graduated from University in 2018 which is 2 years back, her followers quickly crowned her the real lady and congratulated her on such an achievement in her life. Education is such an important thing in our society and by having a certificate or something of qualification, it is really an advantage. Read more

Source: fin24

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