Sunday, May 31, 2020

Teacher Unions: No PPE, No School

The South African Democratic Teachers Union (Sadtu) says none of its members will be returning to schools that haven’t met COVID-19 safety requirements.

Most schools have been reported to have no or insufficient personal protective gear.

Sadtu General-Secretary Mugwena Maluleke says unions and governing body associations met with Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga.

Maluleke said the system will not be ready for teachers and pupils to go back to school on Monday.

“When the school is ready for the workers in terms of the PPEs [Personal Protective Equipment], in terms of social distancing. The workers will go in and get training and that has been happening since the 25th. Where the school is ready, then the worker go in but where the school is not ready, workers will not go be going in,” he said.

“When it comes to the learners, our position is we don’t want a staggered approach. We need to make sure the system is perfect. The teacher has been trained, they’ve been oriented…” Maluleke added.

Reopening of schools: Dates announced for other grades

Grade 7 and 12 pupils are expected to start on Monday.

Meanwhile, Motshekga is set to address the nation of the state of readiness in school on Sunday evening.

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In Other News – Zodwa Wabantu on a Mission to bring Cosmetics to Mzansi

Not content with dominating the club scene, Zodwa Wabantu is taking over the world of cosmetics and told TshisaLIVE she is even considering opening a store to sell her products.

Zodwa Wabantu

Zodwa launched her own perfume range late last year and earlier this month announced a petroleum jelly and lipstick range. continue reading 

Source – eNCA

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