Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma announces curfew from 8pm – 5am under level 4 lockdown

There will be a curfew between 8 pm and 5am, with only people who have the necessary permits allowed to be out of their homes between those times, Cogta Minister Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma announced on Wednesday.

Dlamini Zuma, along with other ministers who form part of the Covid-19 command council, briefed the public on the final regulations governing level four of the national lockdown. Dlamini Zuma also said because there would an increase in the number of people going to work during level four, people would be requested to return home after work and not to visit friends or relatives.

“We expect everyone to be in their place of residence between these times, except for those who are conducting essential services. Movement, outside the curfew times, will be allowed for personnel and services in level four, provided there is the necessary permits and documentation.

Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma

“We can only conquer the virus, if we limit our movements and stay at home. We must continue to move only when its necessary that is either for medical care and emergencies or the purchase of essentials and permitted goods and services,” Dlamini Zuma said. The minister said buses and trains will be allowed to operate under strict hygiene conditions

Dlamini Zuma also explained that since some people used the hours before the lockdown was implemented at the end of March to travel back home to various provinces, a short opening would be allowed for people to move back to the provinces that they permanently reside.

She stressed that no travel between provinces would be allowed, except for a once-off allowance to enable people who were stranded at the start of the national lockdown to return home or to the province they are working in. The country’s borders will remain closed and will open to be only for the transportation of goods.

In other news – Staying home and having fun makes me look great says actress Amanda Du-Pont

Amanda Du-Pont: Staying Home and having fun makes me look great. The co-star of the hit Netflix drama Shadow where she plays the supporting act of being the hottie girlfriend of Shadow played by Isibaya’s hunk Pallace Dhladhla. Amanda is quite an interesting person. Her career says it all she has moved from glory to glory climbing the ladder very well. Read more

Source: IOL

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