Thursday, August 5, 2021

Connie Ferguson’s last words to her late hubby Shona

The late Shona Ferguson’s funeral is underway and streaming live on YouTube. The emotional audio of his wife Connie Ferguson was played, In the heartbreaking audio, Connie said she feels like all of this is just a dream.

The actress and businesswoman said she is proud of her late husband, she said she has never known anyone as strong as him.

“Never in a million years will I have thought that we, In this position that I am in today, speaking as I am today without your physical presence. Sho I thought you and I were going to grow old together, that’s what I saw for myself, that’s what I saw for us, that’s always been the dream and that’s where I thought you and I were going. I never anticipated where we are today. God brought you into my life 20 years ago on the 21st of July was exactly 20 years that you and I have known each other and I anticipated another 20 years with you.

“I really thought you and I were going to grow old together I remember re bona bakgolo ( the elderly) in Cresta ne ba tsamaya ba batshwarane ka matsoho ( they were walking holding hands) and we looked and them and ho “look at us in a couple of years” and then we would hold hands if we weren’t holding hands already. I nursed you for 4 weeks, 28 days to be specific…”I have never known anyone as strong as you Sho, how I saw you at the hospital, how you fought, I just want you to know that I am so proud of you, never known anyone with your fighting spirit, even in that hospital bed, you defied the odds so many times…I am hurting right now my heart is bleeding.”

Connie said they prayed so hard for his healing, she said she can not imagine life without him.

“I wasn’t ready for you to go. The girls weren’t ready for you to go and you became sick, I mean we have always been a praying family but I don’t think we ever prayed so much in our lives, we prayed and believed got for your healing, every time we went to see you we would pray with you, for you when you couldn’t pray. We played praise and worship songs and just believed God for your healing… I can’ imagine my life without you Sho, the past couple of days have been almost like a dream really, I feel like I am dreaming sometimes, and that I will wake up and none of this will be real,” said Connie in the audio.

Condolences messages are continuing to pour in for Connie and his family on social media.


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