Thursday, December 5, 2019

The DA is needed in Joburg now more than ever

The DA needs to realise that it has to change markedly if it is going to live up to its potential as a political influencer in this country. It is ironic that the Democratic Alliance (DA) is weeping and wailing and gnashing its teeth about the fact that the ANC has snatched back the mayoral chair in Johannesburg. The DA, via its leader John Steenhuisen, argues that the city will be dragged back into the corruption and mismanagement that characterised the previous ANC-headed administration and that this state of affairs is the fault of everyone but the DA itself.

But – it all really started with the back-stabbing and recriminations which swept the DA in the wake of its reversals in the national election this year. Out of that, old warhorse Helen Zille made a loud, and proud, comeback. That, like it or not, alienated many black DA members, who have not forgotten Zille’s tweets on colonialism.

Mmusi Maimane couldn’t stand the heat so he got out of the kitchen, but only after Joburg mayor Herman Mashaba shocked many by tendering his resignation from the city and from the party. The tension within the DA was the major factor in the realignment of the politics in Johannesburg – again, whether they admit that or not.

Democratic Alliance

The ill feelings still remain even within the municipal caucus, because three DA councillors defected to vote for ANC candidate Geoff Makhubo in Wednesday’s mayoral election. It should also not be forgotten that the DA only got Mashaba the mayor’s job in the first place because other parties, including the EFF, voted for him originally.

All that, of course, is water under the bridge – but the DA needs to realise that it has to change markedly if it is going to live up to its potential as a political influencer in this country. It’s probably not a bad thing, however, that it is now truly in opposition in Johannesburg, because that critical voice is needed now more than ever.

In other news – Muvhango Actress Inno Manchidi sends her Husband a sweet Birthday Shoutout

Actress Inno Manchidi Sends Her Husband Heartfelt Birthday Shoutout! The Muvhango actress has been living in marital bliss since tying the knot with her now-husband Mpho.

Inno Manchidi

Taking to Instagram to celebrate her husband, Innocentia gushed over how he is the perfect man for her and her dream come true to do life with him. Read more

Source: The Citizen

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