Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Peter Moyo & Old Mutual saga back in court

The Old Mutual and Peter Moyo saga is heading to the courts again on Wednesday.

The investment company is appealing a July ruling that Moyo is reinstated as the company’s CEO.

Despite the ruling, he has not returned to work.

Old Mutual Chair, Trevor Manuel, said Moyo was fired because of a conflict of interest.

In other news – Sarah Langa can’t remember her ex-boyfriends – Even K.O whom she dated for 5 years

Sarah Langa cannot remember her exes. No matter how much she tries, she just can’t. You can present her with photographic evidence of the person (or people) she used to date and she will assess the photo, blink a few times and move on with her life. That’s how real her Post-Relationship-Amnesia (PRA) is.

Sarah Langa

We first caught wind of Sarah’s PRA when fans tried to delve into her past relationship; a five year love affair with rapper K.Ocontinue reading

Source: eNCA

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