Tuesday, October 1, 2019

US Bans Zimbabwe Diamonds

US Bans Zimbabwe’s Marange Diamonds. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issued five Withhold Release Orders (WROs) covering five different products, imported from five different countries on September 30, 2019. This action was based on information obtained and reviewed by CBP that indicates that the products are produced, in whole or in part, using forced labour.

“A major part of CBP’s mission is facilitating legitimate trade and travel,” said Acting CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan. “CBP’s issuing of these five withhold release orders shows that if we suspect a product is made using forced labour, we’ll take that product off U.S. shelves.”

Under U.S. law, it is illegal to import goods into the U.S that are made wholly or in part by forced labour, which includes convict labour, indentured labour, and forced or indentured child labour. When sufficient information is available, CBP may detain goods believed to have been produced with forced labour by issuing a WRO. Importers have the opportunity to either re-export the detained shipments at any time or to submit information to CBP demonstrating that the goods are not in violation

The Forced Labour Division within CBP’s Office of Trade leads agency enforcement efforts prohibiting the importation of goods made using forced labour. CBP receives allegations of forced labour from a variety of sources, including from the general public.

“CBP is firmly committed to identifying and preventing products made with the use of forced labour from entering the stream of U.S. Commerce,” said Brenda Smith, Executive Assistant Commissioner, CBP Office of Trade. “The effort put into investigating these producers highlights CBP’s priority attention on this issue. Our agency works tirelessly behind the scenes to investigate and gather information on forced labour in global supply chains,” she said.

The following WROs are effective immediately:

Garments produced by Hetian Taida Apparel Co., Ltd. in Xinjiang, China; produced with prison or forced labour.
Disposable rubber gloves produced in Malaysia by WRP Asia Pacific Sdn. Bhd.; produced with forced labour.

Gold mined in artisanal small mines (ASM) in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC); mined from forced labour.

Rough diamonds from the Marange Diamond Fields in Zimbabwe; mined from forced labour. Bone black manufactured in Brazil by Bonechar Carvão Ativado Do Brasil Ltda; produced with forced labour.

Investigations may be initiated a number of ways, including news reports and tips from either the public or trade community. CBP may also self-initiate an investigation into the use of forced labour in any given supply chain.

“CBP works extensively with our stakeholders, the media, and private sector businesses to gather information on forced labour in global supply chains and educate importers on U.S. compliance standards.” said Todd Owen, Executive Assistant Commissioner, CBP Office of Field Operations, “And we encourage the trade community to know their supply chains to ensure goods imported into our country are not produced with forced labour.”

In Other News – Man and Woman stuck together during S.E.X – Pictures

There are some things that are very difficult to understand or rather difficult to explain. Pictures we gathered from social media show a man and woman stuck together while having s.e.x. A simple google search will tell you that the condition is called Pen!s captivus. This is is a rare occurrence during intercourse when the muscles in the vag!na clamp down on the pen!s much more firmly than usual, making it impossible for the pen!s to be withdrawn from the vag!na.

Man and Woman Stuck Together during sex

We would gladly take that simple explanation if only the couple were not cheating. According to the social media posts, the man is said to have been sleeping with a married woman. In some parts of Africa or rather Zimbabwe, it is said that traditional healers have found a way to make this rare occurrence possible.

According to some beliefs, a man would seek muthi that he uses on his wife and once she beds another man, the two would stick together until the owner of the wife comes back. continue reading

The post US Bans Zimbabwe Diamonds appeared first on News365.co.za.

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