Sunday, November 29, 2020

Housekeeper Gogo Thembi’s boss melts hearts of South Africans after buying her a brand new Car – Video

Thembi Ubisi who stole the hearts of many South Africans after her employer Malcolm Wentzel shared videos of their banter and relationship online.

Thembi, who has been working for Malcolm for nearly a decade as a helper, shared TikTok videos that went viral early this year. It was different to see what some say was an uncommonly close employee-employer relationship.

Frequently pranking each other and pushing their each other buttons, it has been great viewing for social media users.

Despite their videos sometimes receiving negative reaction, with claims that Malcolm’s interactions with Thembi were racist, he continues to show her love despite the critics.

Posting a picture and a video, Malcolm purchased a Toyota for his favourite person. Thembi was drawn to tears when the car was unveiled.

Twitter quickly shared their congratulations to Thembi.

-The Citizen

In other news – Photos: Connie Ferguson’s tomboy daughter Alie wears a dress for the first time in 11 years, and she is hot

Connie Ferguson was a proud mother yesterday as her second daughter Alicia Ferguson as her daughter said goodbye to high school by attending her matric dance. Ever the doting mother Connie made sure to make the day a memorable on. She took to her Instagram to show and see her off.

Connie Ferguson and Daughters

From the ride, the face beat and the outfit the mom wanted to capture everything. Learn More

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